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NBFC Deposits, Reserve Funds, etc under RBI Act
The working and operations of an NBFC are governed within the framework of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Amendment Act, 1997, by RBI. Section 45-IA provides that no NBFC shall start or carry on the activities of Non- Banking Financial Institution (NBFI) without...
Check These Top NBFC in India
NBFCs are companies that are in the business of providing a wide range of specific financial services, without offering traditional banking facilities. India is the only country in the world that licenses financial institutions in 8 different categories as NBFCs,...
NBFC List of Best 30 & Their Evaluation
NBFC or Non-Banking Financial Companies cater to the diverse financial needs of those falling outside the purview of banks. This is how the existing NBFC list in India has been crucial in promoting inclusive growth. Further, NBFCs are quite proactive in the field by...